In this 2-hour yoga workshop we will play with the transitions that connect each asana. Like bringing them together in a dance, they are brought together into a routine, a choreography, so that you can practice at home. We will also have time to explore and try to find our own way of flowing. The breath will help us to hold the attention in the present moment, like in a moving meditation.
„From my personal experience as a professional dancer I like to explore and find new ways of moving. My aim in this practice is to bring attention to the transitions that connect the asanas (postures). Find more space and length in our bodies, exploring new ways of moving and discover one’s own unique ability to “flow”. Like a dance, moving with grace, harmony and fluidity.“
Vinyasa can be considered a moving meditation, finding balance and stillness in the body and mind even while moving.
We will explore pranayama (breath work) and meditation; building up a safe practice, working on strength and flexibility, finding ease in more challenging positions and finally surrender."