fabrik Potsdam has been initiating cultural education projects for 25 years. Partners were and are for example the Erich-Kästner-Grundschule Falkensee, the Helmholtzgymnasium Potsdam, the kindergarten an der Friedenskirche Potsdam, the Ev. Grundschule Babelsberg, the Trebbiner Kinder- & Jugendheim e. V., the Freie Schule Angermünde or the Scherpf-Gymnasium Prenzlau.
Why dance
Dance offers a genuine form of experiencing the body and the senses creatively, mentally and emotionally. It gives children, adolescents and adults access to an art form that gives space for the natural need for movement and individual expressiveness and strengthens creativity and independence. The potential for dance projects in schools and other social contexts lies above all in the freedom from origin, financial possibilities, and individual development of the participants and enables a common aesthetic experience and cultural participation.
Our offers for schools and kindergartens
We work together with professionally trained dance teachers and choreographers. Contemporary dance is characterized above all by its diverse approaches and approaches, which is why the teachers have different training and experience in various dance techniques, but also yoga, African dance, visual arts, and music. Against this background, interdisciplinary projects are particularly suitable – dance, text, music, painting, and movement are interlinked.
Our projects are aimed at different groups, such as children and adolescents, but also adults of all ages. Possible contents or group-specific offers are individually conceived. The following formats are possible among others:
- year-round projects with weekly lessons of 90 minutes as well as optional piece development (at the end of the project)
- project day(s) with dance and movement workshops and short presentation
- performance projects
- intensive workshops on special topics
fabrik Potsdam has four dance studios (100 - 120 sqm) with parquet floor and music system. Rehearsals and workshops can also take place on our professionally equipped stage in the theatre. Furthermore, we supervise the projects and take over the organization of the course.
Contents of the projects
The teaching of the basics of dance, various improvisation techniques, and movement experiments introduce the participants to dance in a variety of ways. The main focus of the work is above all the creative exploration of dance and movement as well as individual, social and cultural development through shared experience. The opportunity to get to know new things in the context of the performing arts, to stand on stage and to participate in artistic processes promotes creative competencies as well as joy, courage, closeness, and togetherness through concentration on the body.
Feedbacks from participating children
"Because I can show my feelings with it. Because I can move freely." (9 years)
"We didn't like each other in the beginning. But now we understand each other and we like us." (8 years)
"I think it's nice that we're all dancing together now, not alone, like in the beginning." (9 years)
Contact us
Sabine Chwalisz, Johanna Simon / Tel. 0331 28 00 314