
The team of fabrik Potsdam

Artistic direction
Sabine Chwalisz | Programm, Education
Sven Till | Programm, Potsdamer Tanztage, Explore Dance

Magdalena Löb
Christian Wolf

Classes & workshops
Franziska Merker

Public relations, Marketing
Laurent Dubost

Sophie Spitzer

Technical direction
Ralf Grüneberg

Ricardo Block
Conrad Katzer
Sophia Schützler
Jens Siewert
fabrik moves / explore dance - Network Dance for young audience
TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund 
Johanna Simon | Production
Giulia del Balzi | Education, YouthDanceCompany
Yvonne von Duehren | Project communication
Monika Feldschow | Redaction social media & Journal
Tanzinitiative Brandenburg
Jeanne Chapy
Judith Rohleder

Office management
Front of House
Louisa Devantié
Johanna Dietrich
Ilvy Gerlinger
Mahina Krüger
Ella Ruppert
Simone Schepers
Christoph Octavio Zimmer