9/8 fight 41 – a 9/8 fight for all of us tells the story of Johann Wilhelm „Rukeli“ Trollmann. The German Sinto-Roma boxing legend was subjected to many forms of discrimination by the Nazi regime because he boxed “by dancing like a Gypsy". Inspired by his journey, four people from Istanbul share their struggle for justice through dance.
In short self-filmed dance scenes, dancers from Palestine, Mali, Cuba, Syria and Mexico report on the profound personal changes associated with their journey, based on their memories. The short films create a global choreographed patchwork for the viewer, a multi-perspective documentation of certain themes from the real everyday life of an underprivileged majority society in the southern world - migration, war, the search for a home, violence against women, everyday racism, exile, losses and utopias - abandoned and realised.
In presence of the choreographer and director Gizem Aksu for an after movie discussion.
Dancing in the Same Ring
with Gizem Aksu
Sat 03. + Sun 04. June 2023 | 14:00-16:00