
Was geht, Erdling? (8+)

Caroline Beach & Saida Makhmudzade (Dresden)  

11 Apr 2025 | Explore dance – Dance for young audience Young dance

Two travellers from space make a stop on Earth with a mission: to discover what it means to be human. They’ve already gathered a few facts, such as the existence of time and money. From cartoons, they’ve learned how humans might move. But everything people do seems strange – the way they talk sounds slightly off, and their fashion choices are oddly amusing. Some questions remain unanswered, and not just for the aliens. Was geht, Erdling? is a humorous and playful attempt by choreographers and dancers Caroline Beach and Saida Makhmudzade to explore human habits.


Two travellers from space stop on Earth to learn what it means to be human. They already know about time and money and have studied human movement through cartoons. Yet, speech and fashion still baffle them. Was geht, Erdling? is a playful, humorous piece by choreographers Caroline Beach and Saida Makhmudzade, exploring human habits.

Pop Up in schools: Thursday, April 10


Price info Ticket

Advance sale: 13 € / red. 6 €
Evening box office: 14 € / red. 6 €
3xTanz-Abo: 28 € / Three performances



Choreography and Performance: Caroline Beach, Saida Makhmudzade
Photo: Stephan Floss
Duration: 40 Minuten

explore dance - Netzwerk Tanz für junges Publikum e.V. is an association of HELLERAU - European Centre for the Arts Dresden, K3 | Tanzplan Hamburg, fabrik (moves) Potsdam and Fokus Tanz / Tanz und Schule München. Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the City of Potsdam, the State of Brandenburg and the municipalities and states of the other project partners. With the kind support of the Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne.