Get fit and creative in the day!

Modern morning training

with Giulia Del Balzi  

THU 09:30 - 11:00 | Dance and movement

There will be no class on 06.02.

This class gets the body moving and ensures a good start to the day. It starts with a gentle warm-up to wake up the body and get the circulation moving. We then move on to technical exercises to help develop skills in modern dance. This may include basic footwork, turns, jumps and floorwork, and then work on choreography that combines these skills into a routine that is both fun and challenging. The choreography is designed to help express yourself through movement while improving confidence and performance skills. It finishes with stretching to allow the muscles to relax. This leaves you feeling refreshed and invigorated for the rest of the day.



Price info

Course ticket 1 (1 course / week): 46 € / red. 40 € / up to 19 yrs 34 € monthly
Course card 2
(2 courses / week): 69 € / red. 57 € / up to 19 yrs 46 € monthly
Course card 3+
(as many courses as you like): 80 € / red. 69 € / up to 19 yrs 57 € monthly
10 course card
(4 months, all courses): 149 € / red. 129 € / up to 19 yrs. 99 €
Tryout session:
7 €
Registration at Studiohaus. Download registration form.
