I teach... Yoga.
I practice yoga because... it gives me joy!
I pay special attention to... a loving connection between my movement, my breath, and my heart.
This song always gets me moving... Deva Premal and Krishna Das always bring me with their mantras into the most beautiful outer and inner vibration.
Have influenced me especially... Lalla & Vilas Turske and Christina Lobe in Anusara Yoga, as well as Elena Brower and Sianna Sherman.
The best place to practice is... at my home and with teachers of my trust.
A key moment for me was... as I experienced that yoga is more than a physical movement. That yoga is a key to getting closer to myself and life in a wonderful way. And through this, my life has become much more relaxed, peaceful and fulfilling.
I would like to pass on to my course participants... that yoga is a space of experience in which they can experience and unfold themselves on a physical, emotional and mental level. That there is no wrong or right. That they can trust themselves and life. That they may be courageous to show themselves and that it is worthwhile to face life again and again and to grow further.
I look forward every year to... beautiful classes and workshops that touch, bring joy, expand, in which we can meet, exchange and inspire each other.
Alin Schick is a trained physiotherapist and now works as a yoga teacher and body therapist.