
JT 03: PARKOUR KIDS (7–12 J)

with Lukas Schapp (Potsdam)  

25 – 26 May 2024 | Potsdamer Tanztage 2024Young dance#Outdoor

Benches, ramps, or bicycle stands are not obstacles but objects that can be conquered with the right instructions. With creativity and curiosity, Schiffbauergasse and the city become an adventurous parkour. Lukas Schapp has been working as a trainer for parkour/ADD since 2010. In his work, he draws on his wealth of experience in sports therapy, in particular functional training, fascia training, and the Feldenkrais method.

Price info

50 € / red. 40 €
Early Bird (by 30 Apr): 40 € / red. 35 €

This workshop only takes place on Saturday 25. 
