
Just in Time

with deufert & plischke  

Cancelled | 27 Jan 2024 | Made in Potsdam 2024Dance and movement

The project Lieber Tanz Potsdam already took place in 2021 and included several workshops (digital and in presence) as well as the Grand Bal Digital, in which fabrik Potsdam celebrated its 30th anniversary together with the artist twin deufert&plischke.
We are delighted that Kattrin Deufert is once again inviting participants of all ages to come together and share memories and movements through dance. Guided by simple verbal and choreographic games, a space will be opened up for the exchange of movements. Together, everyone draws their favorite movements, with which choreographies are created in group work, as well as a lively exchange about the individual dance stories of the participants. The workshop ends with the small ritual of writing a personal letter to dance.

The dance project Just in Time started in 2016 as a dance heritage project. The idea is to understand dance history as an immediate and local phenomenon that is written by people from their memories, experiences and needs for dance. Many letters have already been collected in Potsdam and we are looking forward to new stories about dance!

This workshop is for all age groups, families, young people, without any prior knowledge. Please register any special needs in advance.

Price info Register

Prices: 25 € / red. 20 € / U19. 10 € / Familie. 30 € (one adult and one child)

Please indicate in your registration under comments if you would like to book the workshop as a family or U19.
