
What makes us move? #1

Workshop | Movement Research & instant Composition | with Birte Hendricks  

09 Sep 2023Dance and movement

Life is full of new beginnings, new encounters. How open are we in our body to recieve and unfold in every new moment? What supports us in our body? In the workshop we create with others right in the moment, while being aware of the space in and around our body. Compose and play with time and dynamics. Finding endings. Silence. Starting again… What imprint do we leave in the space?

We work with somatic practises and improvisational structures. Partnerwork, including touch, is optional. There is time for reflection and sharing. Everyone is welcome. Come as you are.



Price info Register

33 € / red. 30 €

Double pack with the workshop on Sept 30 2023: 60 € / red. 55 €
Please select both workshops when registrating.
