
Art – an actor against climate change?

Heike Holdinghausen with guests from science, art and politics  

13 Sep 2020 | Festival Kunst und Klima 2020Talk

- Unfortunately this event is cancelled -

In this discussion round, art is questioned as an actor against climate change. Can it bring about powerful changes or does it remain pure illustration?

Moderation: Heike Holdinghausen with guests from science, art and politics.

Heike Holdinghausen is editor of the taz in Berlin. In the economics and environment editorial department, she is primarily concerned with nature conservation issues as well as waste and transport policy. She is the author of several books; recently her book Uns stinkt’s. Was jetzt für eine zweite ökologische Wende zu tun ist was published by Frankfurt's Westend Verlag.


Price info

Free admission.
