Building culture is essential to create an environment that is perceived as worth living in. In addition to social, ecological and economic references, it also has an emotional and aesthetic dimension. Its production, appropriation and use is a social process based on a broad understanding of qualitative values and goals. The Federal Foundation for Building Culture is committed to the interests of high-quality and reflective planning and building and pursues the goal of establishing the appearance and condition of the built environment as a topic of public interest. Short lectures and a tour of the Husarenvilla, the Foundation's headquarters in the Schiffbauergasse, clearly illustrate the connections between art, climate and building culture.
Building cutlure
Rooms shape people. People shape rooms.
Price info Ticket
One day ticket: Standard 10 € / Support 20 € / free up to 19 years
The price for the one day ticket consists of a standard and support tariff. The support tariff is an additional contribution to support the festival and the artists. The day ticket gives access to selected events of one day (except workshops: special price).
When booking the day ticket, please select the events you would like to visit:
Choices for day ticket 11.09.2020
14:00 – 19:00 ffflo / Video-Installation
17:00 – 19:00 Salon Baukultur
19:00 – 19:15 Waldeinsamkeit
19:33 – 20:08 grandeur nature
20:15 – 20:30 Waldeinsamkeit
21:15 – 21:30 Waldeinsamkeit
An event of the Federal Foundation for Building Culture.
Duration: approx. 120 minutes