
Lieber Tanz – Letters to dance

Bal Populaire | deufert&plischke (D)  

16 Aug 2020 | Potsdamer Tanztage 2020

fabrik Potsdam celebrates the art form dance and the 30th anniversary of fabrik Potsdam with the launch of the project Lieber Tanz Lieber Tanz – Letters to dance, in which people can write letters to dance and share your favourite movements. Together with the artists deufert&plischke, fabrik invites people of different origins and experiences, young and old, experienced dancers and novices to write letters to dance, to exchange favourite movements, to create and dance! Until spring 2021, the fabrik will be collecting letters, initiating workshops and balls in which dance experiences will be exchanged, discussed, laughed, danced and written, and many an important companion of the fabrik will come to speak or dance.

The workshop Lieber Tanz on Saturday opens a space for writing letters and generating favorite movements for the ball.

Mailboxes can be found at the following locations: Information coming soon.

Or you can send a photo of your handwritten letter to letterstodance@fabrikpotsdam.de

Price info Ticket

Standard: 10 € / Support: 20 €
The prices consist of a standard and support tariff. The support tariff is an additional contribution to support the festival and the artists.
Up to 19 y.: free admission (please book the places online)


Feel safe...
For your own protection and that of your employees, please observe the general distance and hygiene measures, support our staff in their implementation and follow the instructions on site. We ensure regular cleaning and disinfection of the surfaces and regular ventilation of the rooms. Disinfection dispensers are also available. Please use them regularly. For some places special protective measures apply. Please use masks when entering and leaving the interior rooms and if you are temporarily unable to maintain the safety distance.



Von und mit: deufert&plischke