A multidisciplinary dance performance that enchants and perhaps heals.

Fight for your Fairytale (12+)

go plastic company (Dresden)  

06 Dec 2024 | Explore dance – Dance for young audience Young dance

The archetype of the witch polarises and appears again and again in the most diverse places - sometimes in historical or contemporary, sometimes in political or pop-cultural contexts. This piece is dedicated to the changing image of the witch, her rich history and far-reaching impact. The focus lies on confronting one's own and other people's powers as an identity-forming process, with self-determination and heteronomy. Fight for Your Fairytale is a multidisciplinary dance performance that enchants and perhaps heals.

Pop up in schools: Fri 06 Dec 2024


The piece is a performance for teenagers and young adults about the theme of the witch. The witch is a figure that appears in many areas – history, politics, and pop culture. What can the image of the witch represent today? It explores how we perceive and use our own and others' abilities. Fight for your Fairytale is a dance performance that enchants and perhaps even heals.

Also at Schiffbauergasse:

(K)ein Weihnachtsmarkt 
Do 05. – So 08. Dez 2025
Open Air & For Free


Price info Ticket

Advance booking: 13 € / red. 6 €
Box office: 14 € / red. 6 €
Schools: 4 €
3xTanz-Abo: 28 € / Three performances



Choreografie und Performance: Cindy Hammer, Mandy Unger
Kostüm und Ausstattung: Lea Schweinfurth, Lydia Kluge
Produktionsleitung: Susan Schubert
Fotos: go plastic company
Internet: www.goplasticcompany.de
Dauer: 40 Minuten

explore dance – Netzwerk Tanz für junges Publikum e.V. ist ein Zusammenschluss von HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden, K3 | Tanzplan Hamburg, fabrik (moves) Potsdam und Fokus Tanz / Tanz und Schule München. Gefördert durch Mittel der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, der Stadt Potsdam, des Landes Brandenburg  und der Kommunen und Länder der weiteren Projektpartner*innen. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne.