"We live in an era of things." Jean Baudrillard


Yang Zhen / Red Virgo (Beijing)  

11 – 12 Sep 2024Dance / performance

A catwalk in the centre of the space. A young man with blond hair and fashionable clothes turns it into his stage, flirts with the audience, passes out little hearts, soon accompanied by three other cool dancers with attitude. To hip-hop, dance, and pop music, they walk through current Chinese fashion trends. The flashy look and sound of the young Chinese generation originates in a visual culture that has spilled over from Japan to China since the 1980s. A feeling of collective alienation plays an important role here. Are the dancers extravagant individualists or puppets of a rigid system? Do they dance their own dance of liberation or are they trapped in minimalist movements? Yang Zhen's piece interweaves body ornamentation and the intimate search for identity, and takes a critical look at consumption in order to explore the "effects" of post-globalisation on the human body. In reference to Jean Baudrillard's book The Consumer Society, he explores "the resonance between things and the body".

Afterwards on both days: Talk with the artists


Price info Ticket

Advance sale: 20 € / red. 9 €
Evening box office: 21 € / red. 9 €
3xTanz-Abo: 28 € / Three performances



Concept & choreography: Yang Zhen
Dance: Sun Ran, Peng Mi, Feng Yichen, Wu Pengfan
Stage design and lighting design: Liu Shihao
Choreography assistant: Liu Peilin
Executive Lighting design: Deng Zhifeng, Deng Yonghao
Executive dance supervisor & lighting: Deng Zhifeng
Assistant stage supervisor: Deng Yonghao
Production executive & stage supervisor: Li Jingxian, Dong Yue
Production coordination & production support: Wang Guan
Production support: Li Jingxian
Clothing & collection: Yang Zhen, Sanmu Zhuying
Grafic design & video: Zhang Yongji
Distribution: Menno Plukker Theatre Agent, Inc.
Tour accompaniment: Magdalena Marszalek
With friendly support by YAP Festival, Beijing and by China Dance Association
Internet: www.redvirgo.org
Duration: 60 minutes