
Der Gute König

Wort(g)arten | Leonard Hieronymi (Potsdam)  

21 Jan 2024 | Made in Potsdam 2024Reading

Perugino AG is a metalworking company whose employees work hard to create memorable objects on behalf of Jeff Koons - art on its way to the world's museums or the atriums of the rich. Fansi, who actually works in a plumbing company, also succumbs to the allure of glamour and embarks on an adventurous Monday trip to Paris. Leonhard Hieronymi takes us into a ludicrous world of polished stainless steel and silicone joints and poses the question of whose work really counts,

Leonhard Hieronymi comes from a family of craftsmen. His novel In zwangloser Gesellschaft was published by Hoffmann und Campe in 2020. He lives in Potsdam.


Price info Ticket

Advance booking and box office: € 7 / red. € 5

Festival pass Made in Potsdam: € 30 / red. € 15



An event of fabrik Potsdam in collaboration with the bookstore Viktoriagarten Potsdam.