

with Kostis Spyrou  

TUE 19:30 - 21:00 | Dance and movement

Due to a change of teacher, test lessons will not take place again until February.

This class is currently full. If you are interested, please write an email to franziska.merker@fabrikpotsdam.de to be put on the waiting list and be notified when we have free spots.

This introductory course combines elements of contemporary dance technique and improvisation. The combination offers participants the opportunity to perceive their body in a variety of ways. In particular, the connection between inside and outside as well as weight and body center are starting points for lively, flowing movements. Balance, off-balance, rhythm, direction, jumps, turns and full-body movement flows play an important role in the movement sequences. These can be performed standing up, across the room or on the floor. The playing field of improvisation makes it possible to explore different qualities of movement, principles and dynamics. There are no limits to artistic expression.


Price info

Course ticket 1 (1 course / week): 46 € / red. 40 € / up to 19 yrs 34 € monthly
Course card 2
(2 courses / week): 69 € / red. 57 € / up to 19 yrs 46 € monthly
Course card 3+
(as many courses as you like): 80 € / red. 69 € / up to 19 yrs 57 € monthly
10 course card
(4 months, all courses): 149 € / red. 129 € / up to 19 yrs. 99 €
Tryout session: 
7 €
Registration at Studiohaus. Download registration form.